Monday, October 17, 2011


Plantet order 3th from the sun.
Distance from the sun (Km)149.6 milliom.
Mass 5.9792x1021.
Diameter 12,756 km.
Rotation 24hr.
Revolution 365.26 days.
Only one moon.

planet Description:It look like circle.This is only planet where human lived.It have the one moon and plant. It have 71% and 21% oxygen.It is the 5th large planet in solar system.

2 Interesting facts;
It have water that not other plant have and oxygen.
In this only where human lived.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

What is hurricane?
Hurricane is the strong wind that effect human.

What is a high tide and what causes it?
When the oceans are affected by moon and the sun moon moves around earth.The cause is when earth moon and sun make a right angle.

What does saturation (Zone) mean?
Saturation mean is ground to well.

What is flooding and why is it dangerous?
The flooding is many are accumulate and cove all the space.It very dangerous because it destroy the house and you  get many diseases.

What is something that you liked about this mini-project?
I like working in group and It help very much. 

What was difficult for you on this project?
I think is the difficult think is that we have to write the  paragraph.To send the paragraph from home.

What would you change about  your work on this project?
I want to change my researches and used more research.

How did this project help you learn about hurricane irene?
I learn about hurricane a lot that help me  to understand very much.