Layers:Lithosphere Layer
Activities: Mini-Poster and Music Video
Topic:Faults, Plate Tectonics,Earth Interior
Faults Summary:There are three kinds of faults.
Normal Fault:An inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the foot wall.

Reverse:Rock move up ward
Strike -slip: Rocks slide past another in opposite directions.
Asthenosphere Layer
Activities:Prediction Map and Song/Rap.
Topics: Volcanoes and Tectonic Plates Map.
Volcanoes are form in plate boundary.When Subduction occurs as reault causing magma from the mantle to go into the earth surface.Most of volcanoes are are formed by hotspots meaning magma beaches the surface of the earth forming volcanoes in a chain like sawaii in the gas Ashes and lava come of a volcanoes.
Magma is meting roch inside earth lava is halting magma outside earth.
Cinder cone are made up of rock don't and ashes.
Hot Spot is place. where magma reaches the surface of the Tectonic.
Mantle Layer
Activities: Photographic Evidence.
Topics: Convergent Boundaries, Subduction Zone, Divergent
Boundary, Transform Boundary, Fault Zone, Earthquake
and Hot Spots.
Photographic Evidence Summary
There are three types of Boundaries, Convergent Boundaries, Divergent Boundaries and Transform Boundaries. In convergent boundary two plates come togetter and creates mountains.In Divergent Boundary plates move apart and creates Raft Valley and Volcanoes. In Transform Boundary plates come togetter and creates EarthQuake.Fault Zone plates slide past another moving in opposite direction.Earth Quake movement of fault or transform Boundary.Tsunamis. The part of the mantel that is hot is the Hot Spot.When one plate goes under another plate that is Subduction Zone and it creates volcanoes.
Hamza from
Kara MacDevitt on
Critical Thinking
1.Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics?
Why or why not?
I am agree with the Plates tectonics. Because there is many evidences to prove that plates tectonics is true one example is Rock and fossils.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and
1.I enjoy most is the Prediction Map and narrative Video Because i love to work on the map and video.
2. What was the mos challenging for you during this
project and why?
2. The challenging part is that in last two week we didn't get info time to finish the project That the most challenging part.
3.What new skills did you learn form doing this
3. I learn that how to used the imovie and i love to used the that program.
4. Is there any thing that you could have done to
improve any of you'r work? Explain.
4. I need more time to work on the imovie to make it better and i have to work fast and take my time to finish the project.